Women’s Ministry
Women’s Ministry exists at Calvary Baptist Church to encourage women to worship and obey our Lord Jesus Christ through the study and application of God’s Word and through relationships with other women for fellowship and accountability.
There will a Calvary Women’s Conference coming in April 2024.
Men’s Ministry
The Men’s Ministry at Calvary Baptist Church exists to glorify God by equipping and encouraging men to fulfill their God ordained roles as leaders in the Home, the Church and the World.
The Men meet on Tuesday evenings for fellowship, accountability and the study of God’s Word.
Men are also strengthened through personal discipleship and counseling.
Children’s Ministry
The Children’s Ministry at Calvary Baptist Church exists to glorify God by providing Children with a Sunday School that provides both Bible teaching and engaging activities. The intent being to bring Children to a clear and accurate saving knowledge of Christ.
Sunday School meets during the regular Sunday Service.